Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pinhole Photography 20080826

I decided to mess around with my pinhole camera today. I have a lot of single weight fibre paper left from 6 years ago when I first built the camera. I knew the paper would have a base fog, but this seemed to benefit the image by reducing the contrast. …

Collage Fun 2007, Aug 20th

So today I decided to play with the collage feature on our KPM machines at work. What fun. “Strouds” and “Mikel” were photographed in Norman this past spring. I think that this is an interesting way to present multiple images on a single sheet.

Wornall Rd.

I moved to this neighborhood back in November of 2006. This is when these pictures were taken. I decided to roam and see what interesting subjects matter awaited my arrival. I am a great believer in photographing your surroundings. It seems that once one gets to really know where they …

Austin 2007 June 6

My images are out of order as in the date, but it really isn’t about when I made them so much as that I made them. These images were photographed while I was in Austin for the afore mentioned niece’s wedding. I spent an evening walking up and down one …


So I went on a little photo expedition with my good friend Sabrina and our protégé, Anne. I shot mostly with my plastic cameras and borrowed a digital point and shoot from Sabrina for a few images. I realized that the plastic camera, without meaning to be trite, could make …

Cheng Zhong, Jianming Chen, Howard Zhong

Jianming and Cheng had opened their house for me to stay for a few days. In those few days they let me photograph them doing their day to day things and of course a family portrait. I am grateful to them for letting me make these images, and record their …

My Niece’s Wedding

I have always said “I don’t do weddings” then I was requested, by my niece to photograph hers. I agreed, only if I can shoot black and white film (albeit, I did have two rolls of color that I used). Which she in turn agreed. I had a great time. …

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