Beauty of Survival: Krista’s fight against breast cancer

It’s a journey to say the least. I spent a year with Krista documenting her fight. We began in 2011. She was looking for someone to do a portrait of her with her breast bare.

As we began talking, she asked if I would be interested in documenting her double mastectomy and subsequent treatments, surgeries and life. I said yes. I knew this was going to be a great personal challenge for me.

I witnessed many conditions that come from the treatments, the one most are familiar with is hair loss.

Then radiation. The burn is so intense that her skin would be at close to 100 degrees for days after treatment. Granted treatment consisted of 33 consecutive hits of radiation with a break on weekends and holidays.

1 year portrait. After chemo, radiation, hysterectomy and port removal.

4 months before her 2nd year anniversary, she had the energy to get out and shovel snow.

2 year portrait.

Entering her 3rd year of recovery she met Helen, her life partner. A great thing to happen after the struggle and fight, which she still is dealing with, but now has someone to share with on a daily basis. 3 year portrait.

If you would like to see the complete photo documentary visit MagCloud where you can purchase the book.

Beauty of Survival II

Beauty of Survival II

Everyone in some manner has been, is, or will be, affected by cancer. Either, you, a loved one, or a colleague, will be diagnosed. Before I started this project, I knew one person with cancer. When I began documenting Krista’s journey I heard a ten fold of stories. I realized that on any given…

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